Friday, June 15, 2007

How to Design Your Life the Way You Want

Life is interesting. It has many ups and downs. It contains both happiness and sadness. It have so many ingredients that we can enjoy watching it if we are the viewers. However, it may not be fun if we sit watching our own lives be in a miserable phase. In order to design the good quality life, we need to understand the simple principles of life. It is not designed to give what you want. It is designed to give what you deserved. Therefore, we need to be qualified to live an excellent life. Is it very difficult? Fortunately, there are evidences and extensive researches showing that we can effective design our lives. Thousands of people have successfully done this and you can do it too. Success will come if you are serious about it.

The six principles for designing your life include:

1. Set up your mission. Your mission should be short and concise. It could be memorable enough for you to remember and use it all the time. Pick up the best one that motivates you. Your mission can be adjusted along the way until you find out who you really are. But it will be your guideline in designing you life. Make affirmation on your mission every time you have a chance. Write it in your heart and soul. Carry it around with you wherever you go. If you are serious enough, it will become part of you. And you will become part of your mission.

2. Set up your life plan. You should have a plan for your life. There should be both short term and long term plan. Your master plan does not have to be in details. We will use our master plan to be the guideline of our action plans. Action plans should have all details that they need to have. Failing to plan is planning to fail. "If you don't have a plan for pleasure, you will have pain." Said Tony Robbins in his book "Awaken the Giant Within. The good plan will have target, actions and time bound. Make sure that your plan has all attributes needed.

3. Be excited. This is similar to the state that many gurus said "Peak State". We need the right emotion to drive our actions. Excitement can effectively drive you thorough the life designing process. If you are excited on what you are doing, you will perform your best. This is the key to success. Every morning we will wake up with energy and enthusiasm. We will treat the day as it is the best day of our life. We are ready for everything that is going to happen no matter favorable or miserable.

4. Focus on what you want. There will be the time that things mess up. A lot of time things are not in the way we want. Actually, most of the time it will be. If you understand the process of success, you will know that this is part of the process. Failure is part of success. Many failures mean you do something to approach your target. Do not focus on your failures. Focus on your desired life instead. Emphasize in your mind on your target. Be fulfilled no matter what results come out.

5. Keep momentum. Do not stop what you have to do until you succeed. Do not let somebody say that your target is impossible. They can say it and you can just simply ignore it. Once you start the ball rolling, keep it that way. Make sure that you do the necessity until it becomes your habit. Habit will form your character and character will master your life. It is important that you keep your momentum until you get the life you want to have.

6. Visualization. Visualize that you already possess your desired life. See everything fits into the places you want them to be. Take some time every morning to visualize. Daily visualization will attract the situation and attributes favorable to your achievement according to the law of attraction. You can accelerate the process by using attraction accelerator background sound available in the market. It will help you achieve the life you want faster from visualization.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Good Luck Test

Are you generally a lucky person? Maybe you're not so sure. In that case, why not take the luck test below. Just answer the questions as honestly as you can, and tally your score according to the simple directions at the bottom of the test.

Are you doing something you enjoy for a living?
1. No
2. Sort of
3. Yes

Are you generally happy with the relationships you have?
1. No
2. Not sure
3. Yes
How often do you say, "That was lucky," or something similar?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often

In general, do good things happen to you?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often

Do people ever tell you that you are lucky?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often

Do you expect to have good luck?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often

How often do bad things happen to you?
1.Very often
4.Almost never
How often do you say, "Why me?" or some similar negative statement?
1. Very often
2. Often
3. Sometimes
4. Almost never

Do things seem to fall into place for you?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often

Do you generally achieve your goals?
1. Almost never
2. Sometimes
3. Often
4. Very often

Can you change things for the better?
1. Not usually
2. Usually
3. Often
4. Almost always

Scoring Your Luck Test
Take the number of each answer as your score. Then just add them up.
Example: if your answer to a question is number 2, you get 2 points; if it's number 3, you get 3 points.

If your score totals;
35 to 42 - You're already a very lucky person. Congratulations!
26 to 34 - You're luckier than most. It may be time to take it to the next level.
20 to 25 - You have your share of good luck, but you could be more consistently lucky with a bit of "luck work".

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Work Online - Goal Setting - 10 Steps to a Life Changing Goal

As I reiterate time and again, setting meaningful goals is probably the most important step we undertake on our road to success. It should be your first step in any venture. You can't start the journey until you know where you plan to go.
It's critical that you do it properly.
So let's look at a plan for setting goals that will really work.
Let's also assume that you're part way along the path, that you have determined that you want to make money in Internet Commerce in some way.

1. Exactly what do you hope to achieve?

2. If it's money…how will that money change your life? What added benefits will it bring to you?

3. Yes, I know it will pay off your debts and buy you a new car or house or clothes or educate your children, but what will that mean for you? What will be the emotional impact? How will you feel when you have these things?

4. If you want to quit your job, ask yourself why? What don't you like about your job, your boss your company? What "do" you like about it? What will happen if you stay? How will the insecurity of not having that monthly paycheck resonate with you and your family?

5. What are you willing to do to achieve your goal? What are you prepared to give up to get what you want? Are you willing to scrimp and save and be tired and give up your weekends for a year or so? Will you be willing to work an extra 20 to 50 hours a week to make it happen? Because that's what it will take.

6. How much money are you willing to spend on marketing and education to get where you want to be?

7. What are you not willing to give up? Are you ready to sacrifice or not? And don't lie to your self here. Are you truly willing to give up dating, parties, drinking, smoking, dinners out, new clothes, holidays, time with your spouse and family and friends? Would you sell your car?

8. Exactly how much do you want to make at the end of one year, two years etc.

9. Is this really your goal or are you doing it for someone else? It absolutely has to be for you.

10. In the innermost regions of your soul, the secret place where you never let anyone else in...what is your secret dream?

Allow yourself to be selfish...don't be ashamed!

If you could have it would that look?

That's where you'll find your true meaningful goal, the one that will be life changing for you.
I know all of this probably sounds pretty drastic, but we get paid on replacement value and there are lots of others out there willing to replace you in the game.
In the final analysis I have seen, time and again that it's simply the people who work the hardest who get the big results…it's truly that simple.

You must know exactly, in detail, what your goal is, when you want it to happen and be uncompromising in what you are willing to do to have the success you dream of.

Making Friends

Some people make friends much more easily than others. This tends to start in early childhood, where friendships are just beginning to develop. If you observe young children at play you can see how people make friends on a subconscious level. Boys and girls develop friendships in different ways.
Boys appear to take friends for granted. They engage in side by side play and do not make much eye contact. They will play together for a period of time and then go on to other games and other playmates. Girls, on the other hand, may be more cautious before approaching other girls to play with. They want more from a friendship and will expect another girl to play alongside them and to make regular eye contact. These methods and types of play carry over to adult friendships.
An outgoing person has no difficulty in going up to a new person and introducing themselves. There may be a brief period of introduction and acceptance and then the friendship begins to form as the two people bond. Others have great difficulty in making new and lasting friendships. These people may be hesitant to make the initial contact and then compound the situation by not being forthcoming with personal information. This can lead to uncomfortable interchanges with others and a feeling of being an outsider.
It is said that to have a friend one must be a friend. This can take many forms but basically it means that you must give a little of yourself before another person will give a little of themselves. Think about this idea as you make your lasting friendships.

Anger & Resentment

Anger and resentment drains your energy, and keeps you imprisoned by your past.
By choosing to let go of your hurt and anger, you give yourself the freedom to fully experience joy in life. Anger builds inside us, so by letting go, you improve your ability to control your anger. We've all seen the person who blows up at the smallest incident. It is the accumulation of built up anger that is unreleased that causes this explosion. So many diseases, like heart disease and cancer, can be triggered by unresolved resentment. By choosing to forgive, you can dramatically improve your emotional and physical health.

Without forgiveness, you cannot move forward in your own personal and relational growth. What is not forgiveness? Forgiveness does not mean you allow people to treat you badly. It does not mean you ignore the wrongdoings. It means you accept that the person has made a mistake, and you are choosing to grant them mercy. When you forgive someone, you won't necessarily forget the hurt. I will always remember the pain I felt when my mom disowned me, but I do not dwell on it, and I do not let it interfere with the quality of our relationship today. I have allowed myself to heal and move on. Forgiveness does not mean you are condoning or excusing the person's behavior. And it doesn't mean you have to trust that person again. Some acts, like physical and sexual abuse, require that you limit your trust or at least test the trust with the person who hurt you. Remember, forgiveness is more for you than the other person.
The process of forgiving

So you've thought about it and you're ready to forgive. You're tired of holding on to old pain and you've decided it's time to let go and move on. What do you do? First, you must face and release the anger that you feel. On the surface of the hurt is anger and you need to break away that layer first. Underneath the anger is the pain and hurt that you must grieve. There are many ways to release anger and hurt. You can talk about it with trusted people. You can spend time journaling. You can pray about it and ask God to take away that pain and resentment. You can express your feelings to the person who hurt you, provided that it's possible to have a healthy conversation where both you and the other person speak and listen in respectful ways.
One of the best and most cleansing ways to release your negative feelings is to write a letter to your perpetrator. In this letter, you pour out every emotion you feel. You tell them everything that hurt you and everything they did to make you angry. Do not hold anything back. Allow yourself to really feel the anger and cry the tears by reading it out loud to yourself. When you are done, burn or bury the letter as a symbol that you are ready to move on. DO NOT give the letter to the person. This letter is for you and you only.

After processing all your emotions, you are ready to make the choice to forgive. It is a choice that requires compassion, understanding and an open and loving heart. When my mother and I first reconciled, we talked about our feelings. Sometimes we even fought because the pain was still fresh. But we listened to one another and we tried to get inside each other's shoes. It wasn't easy, but today, even though I don't agree with some of my mother's beliefs, I have compassion and understanding for who she is and why she made the choice she did. I love her regardless of our differences.

Each of us makes mistakes in life. At one time or another (probably more than one time), we will hurt another person. Maybe it will be an accident, or perhaps it will be a purposeful reaction to someone hurting you. When this does happen, do you want to be forgiven? Do you want another chance to make amends? Most people don't mean to hurt us - they are dealing with their own pain and unresolved resentment. It's unfortunate that we take it out on our loved ones, but until we break the cycle, it will continue to happen.
Are you ready to break the cycle and do your part to forgive?

Direction, Motivation and Accomplishment

Direction, motivation and accomplishment... We often find ourselves searching for reasons or explanations as to why things just don't seem to work out, or better yet, why we more and more fall back on that all too frequently used phrase, maybe next time!
All too often, we as a society, or better yet, us as individuals lack the necessary basic elements to continuously achieve accomplishment! How simple is it? So simple, it’s scary!! With the inclusion of a basic understanding of our “direction” and a commensurate amount of motivation, anything that we put our minds to is well within our reach! We just don’t wake up one day, decide we are going to take our next soccer team to the State Championship, or all of a sudden figure out we need to add some 60 pounds of solid muscle to our physique!!

With the proper direction and some motivation, whether it’s self-directed or a result of an outside influence, we can always achieve that much sought after sense of accomplishment! I was fortunate enough to have played a fair amount of soccer, from high school through college, and afterwards enjoying a stint in the semi-professional ranks! Today, I enjoy coaching a boys U-16 team here in Bozeman, MT. Through a well defined directional plan of action, and a positive and supportive motivational environment, I have been subjected to a high degree of accomplishment. We do things a bit different from the other teams, starting our training indoors 4 months before the season begins, along with instilling within each and every player the understanding that direction and motivation equals accomplishment!
Believe me, it’s not as easy as it sounds! A fair amount of reprogramming exists....meaning that it takes 2 or 3 months, sometimes maybe more, to change the “accepted” behavior patterns into those that simply say “direct, motivate and succeed!!” Maintaining a positive attitude and a constant belief that accomplishment is merely the end result of proper direction and motivation is a daily process and an acquired discipline.

Here’s another great example of what direction along with motivation can lead to! When I graduated from high school, I weighed 130 pounds! As a result I was forced to quit playing basketball, football and baseball, and take up soccer. I was also “forced” to undertake an exercise program to try and add some additional weight. Well, after some 30 years and almost 80 pounds of solid muscle, I am still working out daily and constantly directing and motivating myself to obtain and reinforce my accomplishment!

Remember, things are always considerably simpler that we tend to make them. Our accomplishments are merely the end result of our ability to provide direction and the proper motivation!! The next time you hear someone tell you “maybe next time”, tell them to look within and find the direction and motivation, the accomplishments will follow!
Michael Weinstein has worked in a retail environment for over 30 years, including 8 years in investment banking and over 20 years in management. He is also a successful soccer coach and bodybuilder, possessing a knowledge of nutrition and supplementation as well as exercise physiology.